Sunday 2 July 2017

Age Of Empires Online Trading Post

Age of Empires Online Kopf zur mythologischen Welt des alten Griechenlands und etabliere dein eigenes Reich im Age of Empires Online. Age of Empires Online führt Sie in eine alte Welt, wo das Schicksal der griechischen Zivilisation in Ihren Händen liegt. Es ist Ihr Streben, ein starkes wirtschaftliches und politisches Imperium aufzubauen, um so das alte Griechenland zu stärken und zu schützen. Starten Sie Ihre revolutionäre Festung im Age of Empires Online durch den Bau und die Gestaltung von kundenspezifischen Gebäuden wie Wohnhäusern, Lagerhäusern, Kasernen und einem Wachturm - für Ihre allmächtige Hauptstadt. Erweitern Sie Ihre Stadt mit verschiedenen Handwerkshäusern wie einem Jagdhaus, Kavalleriehalle, Militärhochschule, Ingenieurhochschule, Baumeisterhalle, Handwerkshalle und einem heiligen großartigen Tempel. Führen Sie und kümmern Sie sich um die verschiedenen Fraktionen Ihrer Siedlung, einschließlich der Pfadfinder, Hypaspisten, Dorfbewohner und der Priester. Es ist deine Pflicht in Age of Empires Online, um die Langlebigkeit und letztlich das Überleben deines Imperiums zu sichern. Teilnahme an epischen Schlachten gegen eindringenden Feinden oder in spannenden Duellen gegen andere Spieler. Duelle mit anderen Spielern helfen dir, deine Kampfkünste zu schärfen und die Haltbarkeit deines Imperiums für die viel größeren feindlichen Schlachten zu testen. Bilden Sie Verbündete und Fraktionen mit Freunden und Spielern gleichermaßen in Age of Empires Online, um Ihre Gegner mit Gewalt zu übernehmen. Trainieren Sie mit beeindruckenden Waffen wie dem Darm-Trenner, dem schwarzen emaillierten schweren Speer, der Krakens-Faust und dem Helden-Bogen des Apollo und decken Sie Ihre Kavallerie in eine harte, unnachgiebige Rüstung, darunter ajaxs schweres Kriegs-Pelta, die Brustplatte von Ares, Hephaestus-geschmiedete Grieben und Runen Gebet Perlen. Ihre Ausrüstung, zusammen mit der unverschämten Kraft deiner Armee, und die Stärke deiner Verbündeten, wird dir helfen, das alte Griechenland zu verteidigen und deine Zivilisation zu schützen. In der Strategie-Client-Spiel Age of Empires Online müssen Sie sich bemühen, die lokale Wirtschaft aufzubauen und neue Technologien in Ihrer Mission zu erfinden, um die antike griechische Welt zu stärken, ihr Schicksal liegt in Ihren Händen.1. Die Dämmerung der Geschichte Die Ursprünge der menschlichen Rasse werden von anthropoiden Vorfahren zur landwirtschaftlichen Revolution verfolgt. 2. Die Ägypter Ägyptische Bewässerung schuf eine der ersten großen Zivilisationen. 3. Mesopotamien Siedlungen im fruchtbaren Halbmond führten zu den großen Flusszivilisationen des Nahen Ostens. 4. Von der Bronze bis zu Eisenmetallen revolutionierten Werkzeuge und Gesellschaften in den Reichen von Assyrien, Persien und Neobabylonien. 5. Der Aufstieg der griechischen Zivilisation Demokratie und Philosophie entstand aus griechischen Städten am Rande der zivilisierten Welt. 6. Griechische Gedanken Sokrates, Platon und Aristoteles legten den Grundstein des westlichen intellektuellen Denkens. 7. Alexander der Große Alexanders erobert vervierfachte die Größe der Welt, die den Griechen bekannt ist. 8. Das hellenistische Zeitalter hellenistische Königreiche erweitert die griechische Kultur im Mittelmeerraum. 9. Der Aufstieg von Rom Durch seine Armee baute Rom ein Reich, das den Westen prägte. 10. Das römische Reich Romes Bauingenieurwesen trug ebenso viel zum Reich wie seine Waffen bei. 11. Frühe Christentum verbreitete sich das Christentum trotz Verachtung und Verfolgung aus Rom. 12. Der Aufstieg der Kirche Die alte Ketzerei wurde die römische Reichsbeamte unter dem Kaiser Konstantin. 13. Der Rückgang von Rom Während Feinde an den Grenzen der Römer zerschmetterten, zerstörten Bürgerkrieg und wirtschaftlicher Zusammenbruch das Reich von innen. 14. Der Fall von Rom Trotz des Erfolges der Kaiser wie Hadrian und Marc Aurelius, fiel Rom Opfer von barbarischen Invasionen. 15. Das byzantinische Reich Von Konstantinopel aus führte das byzantinische Reich die Traditionen Griechenlands und Roms. 16. Der Fall von Byzanz Fast tausend Jahre nach dem Sturz der Römer wurde Konstantinopel von den Kräften des Islam erobert. 17. Die dunklen Zeiten Die Barbaren-Königreiche nahmen die Fragmente des Römischen Reiches in Besitz. 19. Mittelalter Inmitten einer Invasion und einer zivilen Unordnung beherrschte eine militärische Aristokratie die Königreiche Europas. 20. Der Feudal-Orden Bischof, Ritter und Bauer veranschaulichten einige der sozialen Abteilungen des Jahres 1000 A. D. 21. Gemeinsames Leben im Mittelalter Hungersnot, Krankheit und kurze Lebenserwartungen waren die Bedingungen, die mittelalterliche Überzeugungen prägten. 24. Die Nationalmonarchien Eine neue städtische Mittelschicht entstand, während dynastische Ehen zentralisierte Monarchien errichteten. 25. Die Renaissance und das Zeitalter der Entdeckung Renaissance Humanisten machten den Menschen das Maß aller Dinge. Europa war von einer neuen Leidenschaft für Wissen besessen. 27. Die von Martin Luther gesprochene Reformation, der Protestantismus zerschmetterte die Einheit der katholischen Kirche. 28. Der Aufstieg der Mittelklasse Als die Städte wuchsen, hatten neue bürgerliche Sitten einen Einfluss auf das religiöse Leben. 29. Die Kriege der Religion Seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert haben die Streitigkeiten der Protestanten und Katholiken Europa auseinandergerissen. 30. Der Aufstieg der Handelsstädte Inmitten religiöser Kriege haben einige Städte gelernt, dass Toleranz ihren Wohlstand erhöht hat. 31. Das Alter des Absolutismus Erschöpft durch Krieg und Zivilkampf tauschten viele Europäer frühere Freiheiten und Anarchien für mehr Frieden aus. 32. Absolutismus und sozialer Vertrag Argumente über die legitime Quelle der politischen Macht, die sich auf das göttliche Recht im Vergleich zum Naturrecht konzentriert. 33. Die erleuchteten Despoten Monarchen betrachteten Reformen, um effizientere Gesellschaften zu schaffen, aber nicht auf Kosten ihrer eigenen Macht. 34. Die Aufklärung Intellektuelle Theorien über die Natur des Menschen und sein Potential kamen in den Vordergrund. 35. Die Aufklärung und Gesellschaft Wissenschaftler und Sozialreformer kämpften für die universellen Menschenrechte in einer friedlichen und wohlhabenden Zeit. 36. Die modernen Philosophen Die Freiheit des Denkens und des Ausdrucks eröffnete neue Visten, die von französischen, englischen und amerikanischen Denkern erforscht wurden. 37. Die amerikanische Revolution Die britischen Kolonisten schufen eine Gesellschaft, die die Aufklärungsideen prüfte und den von England auferlegten Beschränkungen widerstand. 38. Die Amerikanische Republik Eine neue Republik, der Kompromiß der Radikalen und Konservativen, wurde auf universellen Freiheiten gegründet. 39. Der Tod des alten Regimes In Frankreich brach die alte Ordnung unter revolutionären Angriffen zusammen und die Monarchien besitzen Schwäche. 41. Die industrielle Revolutionstechnologie und die Massenproduktion reduzierten Hungersnot und führten zu höheren Lebensstandards. 42. Die industrielle Welt Eine Verbraucherrevolution wurde durch Kohle, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und neue Stadtdienste angeheizt. 43. Revolution und Romantiker Führer in den Künsten, der Literatur und der politischen Theorie diskutierten für soziale Gerechtigkeit und nationale Befreiung. 44. Das Zeitalter der Nation-Staaten Die Großmächte arbeiteten zusammen, um interne Revolten zu unterdrücken, doch konkurrierten sie, um Kolonien zu erwerben. 45. Eine neue öffentliche öffentliche Bildung und Massenkommunikation schufen ein neues politisches Leben und Freizeit. 46. ​​Fin de Siegravecle Das Alltagsleben der Arbeiterklasse wurde durch die Freizeit verwandelt und veranlasste die Geburt einer Elite-Avantgarde-Bewegung. 47. Der Erste Weltkrieg und der Aufstieg des Faschismus Alte Reiche zerbröckelten während des Ersten Weltkriegs, um durch rechtsgerichtete Diktaturen in Italien, Spanien und Deutschland ersetzt zu werden. 48. Der Zweite Weltkrieg Zweiter Weltkrieg war ein Krieg der neuen Taktik und Strategien. Zivilbevölkerung wurde Ziele, da der Nazi-Holocaust Millionen von Menschen ausgelöscht hat. 49. Der Kalten Krieg Die U. S. und die Sowjetunion beherrschten Europa und konfrontierten sich in Korea. 50. Europa und die Dritte Welt Mit dem Erbe des kolonialen Imperialismus belastet, hat die Dritte Welt die Entwicklung geweckt, um ihre westlichen Pendants einzuholen. 51. Die technologische Revolution Die Aufrechterhaltung des ständig wachsenden Wandels wurde zum Standard des Tages. 52. Auf dem Weg zur Zukunft Moderne Medizin, Atomenergie, Computer und neue Konzepte von Zeit, Energie und Materie haben alle eine wichtige Wirkung auf das Leben im 20. Jahrhundert. Schlange des Imperiums Große Gebäude Wertanalyse Schmiede des Reiches Große Gebäude Werte Analyse durch Davidb3 Große Gebäude sind definitiv besser und interessanter als normale Gebäude. In Wirklichkeit sind sie wie große Premium-Gebäude (oft viel besser), was sinnvoll ist, da viele zumindest teilweise mit Diamanten gekauft wurden, und erfordern eine Menge an Investitionen zu vervollständigen. Bei der Überprüfung ihrer Vorteile, ist es klar, dass einige besser als andere sind. Es ist schwierig, herauszufinden, wie genau und ob der Unterschied fair ist oder nicht. Zum Teil ist dies der Fall, weil die anfänglichen Ressourcenkosten der GBs deutlich um 8211 um fast einen Faktor von 3 für jedes Alter steigen. (Ein Turm von Babel, zum Beispiel, kostet das Äquivalent von 3000 Münzen und 3000 Lieferungen, um die 150 Bronzezeit Waren zu produzieren benötigt. Bau der Deal Castle aber erfordert koloniale Alter Waren, die 800.000 je in Lieferungen und Münzen zu produzieren erfordern würde Ist das Deal Castle 267 mal besser als der Tower Wahrscheinlich nicht). Ebenso ist der Platzbedarf auch ein großer Faktor. Der Leuchtturm produziert zum Beispiel 12 weniger Güter als St Marks. Allerdings verwendet es weniger als halb so viel Platz (4215416 vs 6215636 Quadrate). Weitere Komplikationen sind, dass jede GB hat verschiedene Kombinationen von Vorteilen, und einige Vorteile sind mehr wert in verschiedenen Altersgruppen (oder bei der Förderung besserer Gebäude). Für die Zwecke der letzteren Ausgabe habe ich einen Tisch gemacht, wo ich den Ausgabewert von GBs im frühen, hohen und späten Mittelalter mit einem angenommenen Standard-Satz von Häusern und Versorgungsproduktionsgebäuden schätzte. (Die Wirklichkeit wird natürlich anders sein, aber es ist ein nützliches Maßstab). Um zu fassen, sind GBs fast immer lohnend gebaut, und GBs von späteren Zeiten neigen dazu, ein BIT besser als die früheren Zeiten zu sein, um ihre deutlich höheren Kosten auszugleichen. Wenn Sie mit einer Wahl konfrontiert sind, sollten Sie normalerweise den höchsten Level GB bauen, für den Sie die Platz - und Warenbaukosten leisten können. Ausnahme: Sowohl die Bronze - als auch die Kolonialzeit GBs können marginal sein 8211 Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie sie wirklich für Ihre Art des Spiels benötigen. Persönlich empfehle ich den Leuchtturm und die Hagia Sophia als zwei der besten GBs im Spiel (; bis jetzt). Tabellarische Zusammenfassung der Great Building Vorteile, auf verschiedenen Ebenen des Mittelalters Legende: COG 8220Cost of Goods8221 8211 Summe der beiden Lieferungen und Münzen (gleiche Anzahl von jedem) benötigt, um für die Ware zu zahlen benötigt die GB. Zum Beispiel, ein Bronze Alter GB kostet 150 Bronze Alter Waren, die 3000 Bargeld und 3000 Lieferungen zu produzieren kosten. 8220c8221 bezieht sich normalerweise auf Münzen, die von der GB 8220s8221 produziert oder bereitgestellt werden, bezieht sich in der Regel auf zusätzliche Lieferungen, die von der GB 8220G8221 hergestellt werden, bezieht sich auf zufällige Waren (des aktuellen Alters), die von der GB produziert werden. Diese werden dann mit einem Wert in beiden Münzen und Lieferungen gleichgesetzt, dass diese Waren Sie zu produzieren hätten (in einem Produktionsgebäude). z. B. 5 High-Middle-Age-Waren können für 800cins und 800supplies produziert werden, so würde als 5G gt angezeigt 800 Analyse der einzelnen Great Buildings Statue of Zeus: Mostly dekorative (ok für PvP). Die Statue gibt einen Angriffsangriffsprinzip beim Angriff. Obwohl dies für alle Spieler für die Eroberung von Kartensektoren etwas hilfreich ist (und damit einige Güter spart), ist es besonders hilfreich für Spieler, die später an PvP-Wettbewerben und Medaillen interessiert sind. (Für friedliche Typen kann es auch einige Angriffe und Plünder abwehren, da der Angreifer weiß, dass du in der Lage bist, ganz effektiv zu vergelten). In der Theorie ist es sehr früh zugänglich und kann eine lange Zeit der Nützlichkeit haben. Die Statue ist interessant, weil es die kleinste GB (22153, nur 6 Räume), und die einzige mit nur einem einzigen Vorteil ist. Da einige andere spätere GBs den gleichen Nutzen geben, ist dies für Vergleichszwecke sehr nützlich. Es ist immer noch schwer, den wirklichen Wert der Statue herauszufinden, aber auf eine Vermutung, ich glaube, es sollte eine 5 Verbesserung in Ihrer wöchentlichen Medaille Belohnungen geben, und einige Waren gespeichert. Diese sind minimal genug, um die Kosten des Raumes und der Waren, die erforderlich sind, um sie zu bauen, zurückzuzahlen. Allerdings, wenn der gleiche Raum (22153) von Clapboard-Häusern verwendet wurden, hätten Sie das Äquivalent von 720 Münzen pro Tag produziert. Dass du über den Wert eines späten Mittelalters gut pro Tag oder etwa einen Expansionsraum alle 4 Wochen kommst. Ich vermute, dass die Statue dieses wirklich Wertniveau wirklich erreichen kann, also ist es meist eine dekorative Eitelkeit zu deiner Stadt und hilfsbereit für diejenigen, die die PvP-Schlachten wirklich genießen oder diese Kämpfe benutzen wollen, um ihre Gesamtpunktzahl zu verbessern. Das heißt, jetzt mit einem militärischen Angriffsschub gespielt, ist es viel mehr Spaß, einen Sektor auf deiner Karte leicht zu erobern. Die Statue (und die Kathedrale etc.) ermutigen mehr militaristisches Spiel, wenn man sie ein paar Levels bekommen kann. Turm von Babel: Schwach. Der Turm ist attraktiv bei nur 42154, bietet Menschen und Waren (täglich). Die tägliche Warenproduktion ist etwas weniger als die vom Leuchtturm und die Dresdner Frauenkirche. Wenn es maximal ist, produziert es etwa 60 davon, was ein Strom-Ära-Warenbau produzieren könnte, aber ohne irgendeinen Kartenbonus zu benötigen, und ohne irgendwelche Münzen oder Vorräte zu benötigen. Dies bedeutet, dass der Wert der Ausgabe mit jedem Alter verdoppelt wird, da die entsprechenden Coinsupply-Kosten verdoppeln würden, um diese Waren in einem regulären Gebäude zu produzieren. (Das klappt auf etwa 4800 Münzen und liefert täglich im späten Mittelalter, so handlich schlägt der Clapboard-Haus Äquivalenztest verwendet die Statue). Es ist nicht so gut in früheren Zeiten, und ist von zweifelhaftem Wert in der Eisenzeit oder früher. Wenn du eines von diesen hast, willst du deine Schmiedepunkte verbringen, um so schnell wie möglich auf spätere Zeiten vorzurücken. Die andere Strafe des Turms von Babel ist, dass es dich arm und unglücklich macht. Das heißt, es gibt Ihnen Menschen, ohne entsprechende Einkommen. Wenn es maximal ist, gibt es 1140 Personen, die mehr als 5 LMA Wohnhäuser sind, aber ohne die entsprechenden gt5000 Münzen pro Tag. Schlimmer noch, die extra Menschen brauchen Glück, so können Sie verlieren auf die Glück Produktivität Bonus, wenn Sie ein paar Public Baths oder etwas bauen. Die 42154 kleine Größe ist plötzlich eher wie ein 82158 Monster. Fazit, ein Maxed Tower ist eine schlechte Nachricht schon früh und nur sehr spät im späten Mittelalter oder später 8211, wenn man noch keine GB oder zwei hat, um den erhöhten Bedarf an Glück und Einkommen (z. B. Colosseum und Kathedrale von Aachen) zu decken. Leuchtturm von Alexandria: Ausgezeichnet (für Friedensstifter) Der Leuchtturm ist auch ein einfaches Gebäude aus dem Jahre 42154, steigert die Lieferungen und liefert Waren. Es verbessert sich beim Fortschreiten. Die tägliche Warenausgabe des Leuchtturms ist ähnlich, aber etwas besser als die des Turms oder etwa 6080 (Münzen liefert) jeden Tag gleich (in LMA). Du willst noch irgendwelche Güterproduktionsgebäude haben, aber der Leuchtturm macht das Leben auf jeden Fall leichter. Auch hier willst du so schnell wie möglich in das nächste Zeitalter zurückkehren, um den größtmöglichen Nutzen zu erlangen. Der andere Vorteil ist, Ihre Versorgungsgebäude zu steigern (bis zu 145). Sie wollen 10 Versorgungsmaterial-Produktionsgebäude haben, gesammelt 4 mal pro Tag oder eine ähnliche Anordnung. Die Lieferungen steigern sich sehr gut (mehr als 27.000 Lieferungen pro Tag, wenn man einige Bauernhöfe hat) und tatsächlich die Vorteile der Ware übersteigt. Mit all diesen Vorräten kannst du deine Häuser ganz einfach aufrüsten. Der Leuchtturm ist ein klarer Sieger 8211 klein (ish), und sehr produktiv 8211 obwohl ein bisschen ein phallisches Symbol. Die Warenausgabe ist in erster Linie für mehr friedliche Spieler interessant, und Leute, die Provinzen kaufen wollen, anstatt diejenigen, die versuchen, Militär für alles zu verwenden. Und wenn du das Ende des Tech-Baumes erreichst oder den letzten Sektor deiner Karte nimmst, ist der Leuchtturm vielleicht nicht mehr sinnvoll 8211, aber du hast in der Zwischenzeit einen guten Wert gehabt. Kolosseum: Sehr gut Das Kolosseum ist groß (6215742 Plätze), bietet aber Glück und Medaillen. Ein vollkochiges Kolosseum bietet 4000 Glück und 32 Medaillen pro Tag (großer Anstieg des Updates 0,26). Das Glück ist fast so viel wie 8 Kirchen, während die Hälfte des Raumes verwendet wird. (It8217s auch mehr Glück als vier Premium-Drucker, für den gleichen Raum, d. h. 1800 Diamanten oder so). Also, obwohl der Platzbedarf ist wirklich groß, it8217s lohnt sich 8211 wird es sparen Sie eine Menge Platz und Baukosten für andere Glück Gebäude im Laufe der Zeit. (Ich habe oft die Notwendigkeit gefunden, mehrere der jüngsten Jahre glückliche Gebäude zu bauen, z. B. mehrere Arches oder Märkte, nur um sie später wieder aufzureißen, wenn etwas anderes Platz effektiver ist. Diese Kosten können vermieden werden, wenn Sie Haben ein maxoses Kolosseum). Der Medaillengeld ist schwerer zu berechnen, aber bei fast 1000 Medaillenmonaten ist es wahrscheinlich wert, 5 Stadt Victory Erweiterungen im Laufe der Zeit (10 Monate), dass ein friedlicher (nicht PvP Spieler) würde nie sehen. Angenommen, Sie sind früh im Spiel und nicht ein regelmäßiger PvP-Spieler, die Medaillen zahlen die Kosten des Platzes in weniger als 6 Monaten benötigt. So ist das Kolosseum gut, wenn Sie früh im Spiel sind und ein Glück nutzen können GB. Es ist nicht so gut für das Glück wie einige andere spätere große Gebäude, sondern wird den Platzbedarf in freien Erweiterungen zurückzahlen. Die Wahl zwischen GBs ist jetzt nach dem 0,26-Update viel härter. Wenn Sie in Ihrer Stadt genügend Platz haben, um zwei große GBs zu haben, bevorzuge ich die Notre Dame oder Hagia Sophia Glücks-GBs über das Kolosseum, aber wenn Sie einen kompletten Satz von Colosseum-Blaupausen zuerst bekommen, dann bauen Sie es sicher. Wenn Sie in der Kolonialzeit sind, werden Sie wahrscheinlich schon viele Siegeserweiterungen haben, und die Kolosseum-Medaillen werden sich nicht lohnen 8211 Das Deal Castle kann besser sein. Hagia Sophia: Hervorragend Die Hagia Sophia ist auch groß (7215642 Plätze) und bietet Glück und Schmiedepunkte. Bei 6400 Glück macht eine hochkarätige Hagia Sophia das Kolosseum schüchtern. Das ist gleichbedeutend mit 12,3 Kirchen oder 4,3 (LMA Premium) Paläste, aber in viel weniger Platz natürlich. So wie das Kolosseum, der Platz, der benötigt wird, um dieses GB zu bauen, lohnt sich. Das heißt, es spart Ihnen sowohl Platz als auch mehrere Glück Gebäude Kosten. (Lesen Sie den Castel del Monte Abschnitt für einen weiteren interessanten Vergleich). Die täglichen 6 Fälschungspunkte sind schwerer zu quantifizieren. Forschung-weise, Sie einfach am Ende wird durch die Freischaltung der Kosten der Technologien aufgehalten werden. Also der Hauptnutzen dieser Schmiedepunkte ist in Spendenrennen, wenn sie zu anderen großen Gebäuden beitragen 8211 wird es wesentlich einfacher für Sie, den ersten Platz zu gewinnen, um mehr Blaupausen und Medaillen auf diese Weise zu bekommen. Ganz einfach, die Hagia Sophia erlaubt Ihnen, mehr GBs zu bekommen (und erlaubt Ihnen, sie auch schneller zu nivellieren). Für die altruistischen Team-Spieler, erlaubt es auch, Level 0 GBs anderer Spieler in die Produktion schneller zu bringen, was im Laufe der Zeit mehr eine Herausforderung sein wird. Fazit: dringend empfohlen, und 50 besser als das Kolosseum, wenn man eine Wahl hat. Kathedrale von Aachen: Sehr gut Die Kathedrale ist mäßig bemessen (4215624 Plätze) und bietet Münzen und eine militärische Einheit beim Angriff an. Der Einheitsbonus beim Angriff (50, wenn maxed) ist derselbe wie die Statue (und Stapel), so dass die Kathedrale als Teil Statue und Teil (24-618 Quadrate) Einkommensgenerator betrachtet werden könnte. Das tägliche Einkommen stellte nach Level 7 deutlich Sprünge und ist ziemlich nett, wenn maxed (12640 Münzen seit Update 0,26), aber nicht weiter im Laufe der Zeit zu verbessern. Die Kathedrale ist effektiv das gleiche Einkommen wie etwa 12 Wohnung Häuser, während mit dem gleichen Raum wie 4,5 (oder 6 wirklich, plus die militärischen Bonus als Freebie). Die Münzen sind nichts zu niesen, und man bekommt diesen Nutzen aus dem frühen Mittelalter. Das heißt, durch die Kolonialzeit, der Leuchtturm ist effektiv Bereitstellung von über 12.000 Münzen und 39.000 Lieferungen täglich, in weniger Platz. Es gibt viel zu sagen für GBs, wo die Leistung profitiert, wie Sie Fortschritte durch das Alter. (Übrigens ist die Kathedrale eine sehr hilfreiche Ergänzung zu deiner Stadt, wenn du einen Turm von Babel hast.) Fazit: hol es 8211 es bezahlt sich selbst und ist nicht zu schwer zu passen. Hübsch auch. Und es hilft jedem. Streng genommen ist es viel besser als die Statue des Zeus, denn auf niedrigem Niveau gibt es sehr wenig Nutzen vom Angriffskraft-Bonus (auf GB), aber die Kathedrale gibt dir noch einige Münzen. (Sie wollen die Kathedrale bis zu mindestens Stufe 6 bekommen, bevor es mehr bezahlen wird als die Landkosten). St Mark8217s Basilika: Ausgezeichnet (Friedensstifter) St Mark8217s ist groß (62156), bietet eine bessere tägliche Warenausgabe als der Leuchtturm und steigert die Münzproduktion. Die Warenausgabe (25 Güter pro Tag) produziert etwa den gleichen Betrag wie ein einziges regelmäßiges Produktionsgebäude, aber ohne die Kosten (7680 Münzen liefert jeden Tag, in LMA). Wieder ist es besser in höheren Altersstufen, also willst du in die Kolonialzeit oder später so bald wie möglich vorrücken. Wo St Mark8217s glänzt ist in der Münze Boost Fähigkeit. Angenommen, nur 20 Stadthäuser (vermutlich in LMA oder später), wird ein Maxed St Mark8217s Ihr Einkommen um 34.000 Münzen pro Tag (und mehr in der Kolonialzeit, oder wenn Sie auf bessere Häuser aktualisieren) steigern. Dies kann fast eine Stadtausweitung pro Tag freischalten, was erstaunlich ist (Sie können leider leider keine Erweiterungsräume auslaufen). Fazit: definitiv lohnt sich und wird sich schnell bezahlen. Interessanterweise ist die Warenproduktion der Markusmarke nur etwas (15) besser als die des Leuchtturms, während sie doppelt so viel Platz braucht und eine größere anfängliche Warenkosten hat. So ist der Leuchtturm besser für it8217s Größe 8211 aber die Münze Boost von St Marks ist so riesig, dass es für die größere Größe macht. I8217d wirklich lieber beide GBs wenn ich könnte, als friedlicher Spieler. Es könnte nicht so viel an aggressive PvP-Spieler aber ansprechen. Notre Dame: sehr gut Notre Dame ist mäßig (4215624 Quadrate) und bietet Glück und liefert auch. Wenn es voll ist, liefert es täglich 7240 Lieferungen. Das ist schön, aber ziemlich schwach im Vergleich zu der Versorgung Boost Vorteil des Leuchtturms, oder sogar auf die Ware Produktion GBs8217 Ausgang. Der andere Vorteil von Notre Dame ist, viel Glück zu geben (3900 wenn maxed). Das ist ungefähr das gleiche Glück wie das Kolosseum, für viel kleinere Stellfläche. (Eine Kolonialzeit Zirkus gibt nur 2500 Glück für 500 Diamanten und den gleichen Raum 52155.) Wenn Sie zwischen dem Kolosseum und dem Notre Dame GB8217s wählen müssen, ist letzteres ein offensichtlicher Sieger, trotz der größeren anfänglichen Warenkosten. Fazit: ja, nimm es für das Glück (die Vorräte sind nur ein Bonus). Es ist nicht so mächtig wie einige andere GBs, aber das wird durch den kleineren Platzbedarf ausgeglichen. Saint Basil8217s Kathedrale: Good St Basil8217s ist mäßig (5215525 Plätze), die einen Verteidigungsschub und Münzen bieten. Die (maxed) tägliche Ausgabe von 19750 Münzen (viel weniger als die Vor-0.26-Ausgabe) ist schwächer als die von St Mark8217s (was ein größerer GB ist), aber viel besser als die Aachen-Kathedrale (gleiche Größe, aber früheres Alter). Der andere Vorteil ist ein Verteidigungsschub (100, wenn maxed). Dies ist sehr hilfreich für höhere Spieler, sowohl zu vermeiden, dass Ressourcen geplündert, sondern auch zu vermeiden, Verluste in PvP-Turniere, für Medaillen und Verbesserung der Noten. Der Nutzen ist schwer zu quantifizieren, aber wenn Sie zwei erfolgreiche Angriffe gegen Ihre Stadt haben jeden Tag, und sie plündern einige Kolonialwaren jedes Mal, das fügt sich sehr schnell. Fazit: Nehmen Sie es für die Münzproduktion, oder wenn Sie in einer aggressiven Nachbarschaft sind. Es ist ein bisschen teuer für das, was es tut, aber immer noch lohnt sich. Und es ist ziemlich bunt Castel del Monte: underwhelming (ok für PvP) Das Castel ist mäßig (5215525 Plätze), bietet einen Angriffsschub und schmieden Punkte. Der Angriffsschub ist derselbe wie der für die Statue des Zeus (50 bei maxed) und Stapel. PvP-Spieler wollen einen vollständigen Satz von GB, die Statue und die Kathedrale von Aachen bekommen. Leider ist der andere Vorteil dieser GB, um Schmiedepunkte, mit der gleichen Rate wie die Hagia Sophia (6 jeden Tag) zu liefern. Angesichts der viel größeren Kosten der Castel, und viel größere Größe (vs die Statue), scheint dies untermächtig. Subtrahieren der Statue8217s Raum (für dieselben Vorteile), scheint es, dass 19 Quadrate der Castel für die Schmiedepunktproduktion verwendet werden, was bedeutet, dass die Hagia 6400 Glück von 23 Quadraten produziert (vs nur 3900 Glück für die Notre Dame8217s 24 Quadrate) . Jedenfalls hätte das Castel besser sein können. Die Schmiedepunkte können noch sehr hilfreich sein, um durch den enorm langen Kolonialstil-Technologiebaum oder das bevorstehende Zeitalter der Industrie zu gelangen. Fazit: Holen Sie es, wenn Sie ein PvP-Spieler sind, wohlhabend oder einfach nur GBs sammeln. Andernfalls gehen Sie für andere GBs zuerst. Deal Castle ist riesig (7215749 Plätze), die eine Verteidigung Boost und Medaillen. Der Verteidigungsschub ist derselbe, wie er von St. Basil8217s (wenn auch zu einem viel größeren Aufwand in Gütern und Raum), d. h. 100, wenn maxed. Der tägliche Medaillengeld ist viel besser als der vom Kolosseum, um den Faktor 3 (94 vs 32 Medaillen pro Tag). Medaillen bieten Sieg Erweiterungen, die viel wert sind in diesem Stadium des Spiels (und kann der einzige Weg, um Ihre Stadt zu erweitern). I8217m nicht sicher, dass it8217s wirklich wert diese Größe des Gebäudes, aber zumindest wird es schließlich zahlen für den Raum, den es verwendet. Die Deal Castle Medaillen arbeiten mehr als das, was Sie von allen PvP-Wettkämpfen pro Woche oder etwa 2820 Medaillen pro Monat oder etwa eine Erweiterung jeden Monat oder zwei erhalten können, je nachdem wie viele Siegeserweiterungen Sie bereits genommen haben. Bei dieser Rate aber wird es ein paar Monate dauern, um die Kosten für den Platz zurückzuzahlen, der benötigt wird, um es zu bauen 8211 vorausgesetzt, dass Sie es bis Level 10 bekommen können. Und der Medaillenwert ist weniger, wenn Sie bereits Erweiterungen von einem Bügeleisen bekommen haben Alter Kolosseum. Fazit: etwas überteuert. Don82tst du dich selbst töten, um es zu versuchen, das früh zu bekommen (vor der Kolonialzeit), aber es ist okay, wenn du es dir leisten kannst. Sowohl PvP als auch friedliche Spieler werden den Verteidigungsvorteil mögen, während der Medaillengeld für Friedensförderer hilfreicher ist. Es ist eine erstaunlich schöne Burg aber. Dresden Frauenkirche: Sehr gut Die Fauenkirche ist mäßig bemessen (5215525 Plätze) und bietet Glück und Güter. Die Glücksfertigung der Frauenkirche ist beeindruckend, 4900 bei Max. Das ist besser als Notre Dame (gleiche Größe) und vergleicht sich mit der Hagia Sophia (viel größer). Es lohnt sich das allein. Der zweite Vorteil ist, bis zu 17 zufällige Waren täglich zu liefern. Dies ist fast die gleiche Leistung wie der Leuchtturm, obwohl ich hätte mehr erwartet, da die größere Größe und höhere Kosten zu bauen. Bottom line: bauen Sie diese für die Glücksleistung allein. Die Warenproduktion ist nur Soße. Update: Beachten Sie, dass die Originalanalyse vor der 0.26 Update Ankündigung am 5. Februar 2013 erstellt wurde und einige Kommentare seither geändert oder aktualisiert wurden. Mehrere GBs wurden in Glück, Medaillen und Warenproduktion neu ausgeglichen oder nerfed. Der neue Turm der Babel-Ausgabe macht es noch schwächer. Das Kolosseum ist deutlich besser und das Deal Castle, die Aachener Kathedrale und das St. Basilius sind noch viel schwächer auf Stufe 10 jetzt 8211 aber immer noch wert Gebäude. Die meisten anderen Veränderungen waren nicht wirklich signifikant in diesen Bewertungen, obwohl sie schmerzhaft für Menschen, die nach bestimmten GBs ging und dann sah, dass die neuen Ausgangswerte niedriger waren. 18 Gedanken auf ldquoForge von Empires Große Gebäude Wertanalyserdquo Dskies: Ich kam auf Ihre Analyse letzten Monat. Gedruckt Jetzt, wenn ich versuche, jemanden in meiner Gilde zu beraten, wenn ich die richtige GB wähle, kann ich etwas anderes als das oben finden. Ihr Führer endete mit der Arktischen Orangerie. Die obigen enden mit Hagia Sofia. Können Sie den Link JEFFREY HANDSHAW sagen: Ich muss mit Dskies über das Kolosseum zustimmen, ich finde es wertlos für den Raum, den es verschwendet. I8217m nicht sicher, wie Davidb3 zeigt, dass das Glück produziert lohnt sich, aber seine Zahlen sind weg. Auch wenn es ausgeschöpft ist (autsch) das 4000 Glück 42 blockiert nur 95 Glück pro Block, was sogar ein Drive-In-Theater oder einen Zoo, Golfplatz oder sogar einen Haunted Tower8230 schlägt und alle diese (außer dem Colosseum) können verdoppelt werden Wenn motiviert So auch maxed, ist das Kolosseum kläglich eine Verschwendung von Raum. Und 32 Medaillen pro Tag ist NICHTS, wenn Sie 40.000 für das nächste Erweiterungs-Upgrade benötigen (oder 50 für nur 1 zusätzlichen Versuch bei GE). Fast alle Metallgeneratoren sind eine Verschwendung von Platz. I8217m in Erwägung ziehen, es zu löschen, aber was für ein Betäuber von Forge Points8230too schlecht du kannst sie zurück bekommen, wenn du es verkaufst (machst du) Jasern auf Houndsmoor sagt: Danke Dskies. Ihre detaillierte Liste der GB und ihre Bewertung sind die genauesten hier. Ich kam FOE als völlig neuen Spieler und folgte deiner Liste. Und es wurde auch von einer großen Gilde Einigkeit erhalten. Start mit Zeus, Leuchtturm, Hagia, Aachen, Castel, Relikte, Alcatraz, Kap. Dann fangen Sie an, sich auf ihnen zu etablieren, bis Sie es geschafft haben, Waren zu sichern, um mit dem Bau des verbleibenden vitalen höheren Alters GB von Inno, Arc und Orangery zu beginnen. Total GB sollte nicht mehr als diese 11. Ich habe die Möglichkeit, GBs irgendwelcher Art bis zum PE hinzuzufügen. DON8217T, wiederholen, DON8217T machen diesen Fehler. Lesen Sie alles, was Sie auf GBs können. Dann wähle die, die dein Spielstil passt. Don8217t verlasse mich wie ich beim Bau von separaten Waren, Versorgung, Wohn-, Kultur-Verteidigung Dekorationen, wenn mit einigen Anstrengungen, GBs liefern die notwendigen Bedürfnisse schneller. Ich sage nicht, daß der ehemalige aren82 wichtig ist. Nur auf sie auf Kosten eines guten GB oder zwei verlassen. Die einzige Ausnahme sind Militärgebäude. Kein GB kann Sie mit angeschlossenen Einheiten versorgen. Wenn du die Kriegsführung des Spiels geniehst, brauchst du em. Um Wizzy, machst du ein paar gute Punkte. Allerdings, wenn Sie sagen, Sie don8217t verstehen, warum Spieler max aus ihren fp produzieren GB8217s, Sie ignorieren die fp Austausch Aspekt des Spiels. Sie wären richtig, wenn Sie der einzige sind, der zu Ihrem eigenen GB beiträgt. Aber durch den Aufbau von Austausch mit Ihren Freunden und Guildies, maximieren Sie den Wert Ihrer fp8217s, weil, wenn Sie zu jemand anderem beitragen8217s GB, können Sie fp8217s, Medaillen und bp8217s erhalten. Im Gegenzug erhalten Ihre Mitwirkenden auch die Belohnungen, wie sie helfen, Ebene Ihre GB8217s. Wenn du eine Bewertung von GBs machen wirst, solltest du wenigstens wissen, wovon du sprichst. Du siehst offensichtlich nicht. Zeus, obwohl es nur einen Bonus gibt, ist ein Muss für einen Kämpfer, da es 30 Erhöhung der Kampfkraft gibt. Für den Platz, den es braucht, nimmt das Collosseum zu viel Platz ein und kostet zu viele Schmiedepunkte zu wenig Nutzen. Nehmen Sie Ihren Artikel, Sie sind irreführende Noobs. GBs sind entscheidend für FoE. Dieser Autor hat den Punkt ein wenig verpasst. Als Spieler von 3 Jahren im Spiel, lass mich dir meine Gedanken geben. Zuerst einmal du8217ve gebaut ein GB Sie won8217t wollen es zu löschen. Deshalb solltest du viele der GBs abbauen und zum nächsten nützlichen überspringen. I8217ve löschte 2 meiner GBs und es war ein echter Schraubenschlüssel, aber letztlich war der Platz, den sie freigegeben haben, mehr wert als die GB und was es mir jeden Tag gab. Forge Punkte sind die Mot wertvolle Asset im Spiel. Early on you8217re going to need gold and supplies, but don8217t build a GB to get them 8211 EXCEPT the Lighthouse 8211 that you can build. Here are my GB reviews: LIGHTHOUSE OF ALEXANDRIA (LoA) 8220Good8221 is the most important GB in early levels 8211 it really helps you out and will continue to help for a long time. Once you have more resources than you can use (you8217ll probably only reach this point around Tomorrow Era), then it become smus less useful. Build this GB first. TOWER OF BABEL 8220Bad8221. This was the one description I agreed with above. Don8217t bother. It8217s not the worst GB, but it8217s close ZUES.8221Very Good8221 should be built by everybody as it gives you a boost that will be useful for your entire playing of the game 8211 as long as you actually do some fighting, which is impossible not to if you want to go through the map. It8217s also small so doesn8217t take up much space. COLLISIEUM. 8220Bad8221 Useful for happiness early on, but soon becomes way too big for the benefit it gives. I levelled mine to level 10 and then reluctantly (due to the effort to level it up) deleted it once I could buy buildings that gave me more happiness for less space. Buy if you need it early on, but don8217t get attached to it 8211 it will become a white elephant in your city. HAGIA SOFIA 8220Very Good8221 8211 It8217s too big. The happiness it gives you early on is good, but later in the game wains down and becomes insignificant but the forge points (FPs) you get are very useful8230especially at the early stage in the game when you can build it and when the building is levelled up higher. However, the high level players are unlikely to level their HS higher than lvl 10 as there are other FP GBs that give you more bang for your buck. CATHEDRAL OF AACHEN 8211 8220Very good8221. The gold is worthless, the attack is vital if you fight. You8217re going to fight. Build it. St BASILS 8220Bad8221 8211 the coin boost is useless once you get to high middle ages and beyond as you will have more gold than you can spend anyway. I currently have 900 million gold and i8217s only going up8230 The guild boost it gives you is only good if you8217re very into the GvG side of the game and then you will want this GB and will want it levelled up high. NOTRE DAME 8220Useless8221 8211 doesn8217t give you enough of either supplies or happiness and no high level players would build one now. The only high level players that have them are ones that are sentimental and like the look of it in their city. CASTEL DEL MONTE. 8220VITAL8221 Every high level player has one for the military boost and forge points. Forge points are the most valuable resource in the game. You need to produce as many as you can. You will find examples of the CDM levelled up beyond level 80 in the game (giving their owners more than 5060 Fps every day) DEAL 8220Bad8221 8211 way too big and the defence bonus it gives is not worth the investment and space. Much better to build a Zeus and CoA and level them up, less space and more useful attackdefence . DRESDEN 8220Ok8221 8211 the goods it gives you will be useful-ish, as will the happiness. Probably not worth it if you8217re pushed for space. St MARKS BASILICA 8220Okbad8221 8211 As above, but gold is useless. CAPITOL 8220Very Bad8221 8211 Population gain not high enough, resource gain useless at this point in game. ROYAL ALBERT HALL 8211 8220okGood8221. This is basically a better LoA. Replace your LoA or add and it is not bad. The goods it gives are handy. ALCATRAZ 8211 8220Very GoodVITAL8221. Its big. It8217s massive in fact. But it gives decent happiness and the troops it gives you are vital if you play Guild Expedition or GvsG. Build it ASAP. SPACE NEEDLE 8220Useless8221 8211 Not enough happiness and you absolutely don8217t need gold at this stage of the game. ATOMIUM 8220Badgood8221 8211 Too big for the happiness it gives you, but might be compulsory for some active GvsG guilds due its guild bonus. Don8217t build unless you 8220have8221 to. CAPE CANAVERAL 8220Very goodvital8221 8211 1 FP for every level it goes up. I saw a lvl 82 CC the other day giving it8217s lucky owner 82 Fps every day. Build as soon as you can and keep levelling it. HABITAT 8220okbad8221 8211 The population it gives could be really useful, but I don8217t think it8217s worth it. More useless gold8230 INNOVATION TOWER 8220goodvery good8221 8211 Fps are always useful Population boost worth the space since you8217re also getting FPs LOTUS TEMPLE 8220useless8221 8211 the rarest GB in the game. Useless gold and not enough happiness to make it worthwhile. DYNAMIC TOWER 8220ok8221 8211 Tough one this one 8211 useful when it gets levelled up a higher AND you aid lots of people every day. A bit too much time and effort needed to make it useful IMHO. VOYAGER V1 8220bad8221 8211 By the time you can build this, you won8217t be doing much fighting in your neighbourhood, therefore the plunder rewards are almost useless. For pure psycho fighters who like terrorising their neighbourhoods only. THE ARC 8220VITAL8221 8211 This building is only ok at lower levels, but for any player wanting to be a high level active player it is invaluable. It means that your FP donations to other GBs get rewarded much higher. Theres a reason why this GB is the most levelled GB in the game. More players spend time levelling their Arc than any other GB (so far). RAINFOREST 8220ok8221 8211 If this GB was available at a much earlier age it would be really useful. However but the time you get to the Future, getting blueprints isn8217t too hard assuming you8217ve also invested in FP GBs. Not worth it. GAIA STATUE 8220okgood8221 8211 good happiness, not too bad medals. Ultimately there are better builds for happiness and medals are good, but they aren8217t vital. ARCTIC ORANGERY 8220VITAL8221 8211 Another 1:1 FP building 8211 these are being levelled ridiculously high as like the CC you get 1 FP for each level. The Critical hit bonus is also great. It can sometimes make an unsinkable fight suddenly winnable. Well that8217s my twopence on the GB subject Feel free to disagree with me or get in touch in game (Fel Drangyr on the International English server 8211 en6) or by email (dskies at gmail). I have just reached the industrial age and my view on GBs is now very different to when I was earlier in the game. Picking the right GBs for your style of play is very important. You will make a huge investment in FPs in your GBs so making a mistake early on will be costly. IMHO avoid all FPs that give a fixed amount of asset and go for the ones that increase goods and coins by percentages. 2000 coins per day from a GB may feel good in EMA, but is nothing later in the game. GBs that give goods are v helpful. Angelo8217s survey above is very informative and reflects my preferences for GBs. Can8217t understand why people max out GBs giving FPs, as they invest thousands of FPs in these GBs to get 5-8 FPs back. The payback time is years. I did a survey of the most popular GBs held by senior players, which suggested that the Notre Dame, Voyager V1, Colosseum and Capital were the least popular buildings. At the other end, Alcatraz won hands down, with CdM a distant second. Full report at: forum. en. forgeofempiresindex. phpthreadsanalysing-the-real-value-of-great-buildings.11260page-4post-185701 Onward into the void says: Please take a look at the date this article was posted and try to turn your head on. Nice graph but terrible evaluations of GBs by the author. The author fails to understand the basic structure of the game. Forge Points Happiness Goods Attack amp Defense Power Medals are the pillars of success in FoE. CdM 8211 Underwhelming. Zeus 8211 Decorative. Cleary the author farms and must have been a poor player of the game. An article worth referencing would have a base point rating which harnesses the 6 pillars of success into a basic formula. FPs are the core to the game. Diamonds can buy FPs and goods. Space (medals) have the next palpable value. I think I disagree with just about every ranking here. The Zeus, C of A, CDM, Basils, and Deal are all necessary, just to protect yourself and fight when needed. Any GB that can boost your Goods, Coins or Supplies production is necessary as well: The Lighthouse, St. Marks, RA Hall, Chateau, Frau, Dynamic Tower. If you want to be a good guildmate, build the Observatory and Atomium to give goods to your guild treasury. Obviously, Alactraz is a must, as well if you8217re a fighter. All other GBs are either weak for their foot print or only offer FPs and happiness. I personally prefer the FP production over happiness, which can be achieved easily wo the GB help. The post does not include FE GBs. Notre Dame 8230. hit 8230 the worst great building. Statue of Zeus 82308230. must have it (for those who fight) Colosseum 8230. not good. Doesn8217t worth to have it. Babel 82308230 well yes and no8230. it small 8230 but even in level 10 the population that provides is less than a resident in progressive era. Haghia sophia 8230. for sure not excellent. Too big 8230 for the happiness that provides. It becomes worthless. Better have shrines of knowledge Angus Thermopole says: Actually, more than two flaws. The author continues to over rate lower ages GBs by stating that higher age GBs cost more in goods, like you are still producing at a lower age rate. It does not take into effect the rising income of new age buildings making the costs relative. It also needs to basically break the GBs into the two styles of play (PvP or just questing). Zeus, CoA and CDM are musts for the PvP player without those you8217re just pretending. Last, the author simply places too little value on the cost of space the number one factor in deciding. Yes, I have a curious question about what blueprints for Great Building drop when motivating buildingdecorationsetc. Example: When motivating a chalet you can get a Zeus BP. Is there a list of what BP can drop from motivating each type of building within the game Thanks CW this is a wonderful analysis, can you speak about how to get blue prints, is where a certain number of times that you need to movpol to get a blueprint. I don8217t see where that is address, thanks for the good work Thanks CW 8211 I think the long game considerations are helpful to note. I will not touch babel and colo. Lighthouse and st Marks are both the priority 8211 along with military for me. Many players do not want to fight, yet they miss a good part of the game and leaves them vulnerable. If player like trading and supporting guildies then goods producers help, but are ultimately not needed as a players gets so many goods 8211 good luck all and enjoy :) There are two flaws in this analysis. (1) The assumption that GB8217s will move up to higher levels in a reasonable time frame. The average quantity of GB8217s per person currently is around 4. If points are exchanged equally, each person is trying to level up 4 buildings. If a level requires 80 forge points and you contribute 2 per day then 3202 160 days to move up one level. As the levels go up, more points are required and the delay grows. Most GB8217s will never see level 10, probably not 5. In that case most of them are bad investments. (2) In the end game everybody is in Progressive Era with the same army. Then the winner is the one with the most military boost. Already it8217s common to see people with more than 100 points attackdefense boost. If you don8217t invest in military buildings early and level them up, you will be a helpless victim in the Progressive era. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Post navigationDuring the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the United States pursued an aggressive policy of expansionism, extending its political and economic influence around the globe. That pivotal era in the history of our nation is the subject of this online history. Remember the Maine Expansion in the Pacific Alfred Thayer Mahan After temporarily resolving the problems of Reconstruction and Industrialization, Americans began to resume the course of expansion. The horrors of the Civil War had interrupted the original Manifest Destiny that began in the 1840s. Now, as pioneers settled the last western frontiers, expansionists looked yet farther to the westmdashtoward Asia and the Pacific. A leading expansionist, Captain Alfred T. Mahan, cautioned that the Pacific could be entered and controlled only by a vigorous contest. As head of the Naval War College, Mahan believed that Americas survival depended upon a strong navy. He argued that a strong navy would require island possessions to serve as naval bases. The time had come, Mahan wrote, for Americans to turn their eyes outward, instead of inward only, to seek the welfare of the country. Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry American ships had long been active in the Pacific. The New England whaling fleets scoured the ocean in search of their prey. The China trade had been enriching Yankee merchants since 1784. Japan, however, had effectively closed its doors to outsiders, and it restricted foreign ships to a small part of Nagasaki. More about President Millard Fillmore, including a picture Commodore Matthew C. Perry, commander of the United States naval forces in the China seas, was a staunch expansionist. Back in 1852 he warned President Fillmore that the British, who had already taken control of Hong Kong and Singapore, would soon control all trade in the area. Perry recommended that the United States take active measures to secure a number of ports of refuge in Japan. President Fillmore agreed with Perry. In 1853 he ordered the Commodore to open negotiations with the Emperor of Japan. A Letter to an Emperor Brief history of the samurai (including definitions of daimyo, shogun, etc.) Kayama Yezaimon, daimyo of Uraga, raced to the battlement, the clash of the warning gong still ringing in his ears. Stopping beside the brass cannon that guarded the entrance of Edo Bay, he scanned the horizon. The summer sun flashed high above the blue Pacific, and beneath it four ships approached with the tide. As the ships sailed closer, the daimyo, his samurai, and their retainers watched in silent awe. Two huge steam frigates spouted thick black clouds as they maneuvered against the wind. With their paddle-wheels churning the water, the frigates came about, bringing their gun-decks to bear upon the shore defenses. Two sailing ships waited downwind in support. Bright signal flags fluttered from halyards. Abe Masahiro, head of the Roju (governing council) under Shogun Ieyoshi Kayama scowled. Through a telescope he studied the ships, which were well beyond the range of his small shore batteries. The ships bristled with cannon much more formidable than his own. Identical flags flapped at the stern of each vesselmdashred and white stripes, with white stars on a patch of blue. Kayama barked out an order. A samurai ran forward and dropped to one knee. The daimyo instructed the samurai to ride to the castle of Abe Masahiro, and to inform the shogun that a barbarian fleet blocked the mouth of Edo Bay. From the focsle of the sloop of war Saratoga, Lieutenant John Goldsborough watched as dozens of Japanese galleys approached the American fleet. They were all fantastically decorated with flags and banners. They were propelled by from ten to twenty oars each with generally two or three men at each oar. None of the boats were permitted to come alongside any ship in the Squadron, though they all appeared quite anxious to go alongside the Flagship. Still none were permitted until we were fully convinced that a high officer was in one of the boats. Then he alone, with an interpreter who spoke Dutch, was allowed to come over the Susquehannas side. Part of the U. S. Japanese Squadron under Commodore Perrys command On board the Susquehanna, Commodore Perrys aide, Lieutenant Contee, informed the official that the Commodore carried a letter from the President of the United States to the Emperor of Japan. The Commodore intended to deliver the letter personally to an official representative. Since the Commodore was of the highest rank in the United States Navy, Contee said, he would meet only with a Japanese official of equal status. Two days later, Kayama Yezaimon visited the Susquehanna. He informed Captain Adams that the Americans must take their message to Nagasaki. Perry refused to meet with Kayama, but he wrote a message. The Commodore will not go to Nagasaki, Adams read. If this friendly letter of the President to the Emperor is not received and duly replied to, he will consider his country insulted, and will not hold himself accountable for the consequences. Toda Izu, governor of Uraga After several more days of haggling, a suitable representative, Prince Toda, arrived in Uraga. With cannon salutes and a marching band, Perry led a parade of marines to meet the Japanese delegation. He presented Toda with the presidents letter, enclosed in a rosewood box trimmed with gold, and announced that he would return for the emperors answer in the spring. Perry impressed the Japanese officials with his diplomacy and with the technological superiority of his ships and weapons. The Japanese shogunate decided to grant the minor trade concessions that President Fillmore asked for in his letter. Forming a treaty with the Americans, they reasoned, would prevent another European power from imposing even greater concessions. In February 1854, Perry returned to Edo with eight ships. He accepted the favorable reply to Fillmores letter and visited several Japanese ports before beginning the long voyage home. His diplomatic mission had officially established the United States presence in Asia. Still, the Americans never realized that they had been negotiating with a mere shogun. For the emperor to consult with barbarians was unthinkable. Footholds in the Pacific (Note: Click on Map of Hawaiian Islands for maps and Hawaiian Islands Pictorial for photos.) Images of Hawaii from space As ships crossed the vast ocean to trade in Asia, islands in the Pacific became important stops for coal, provisions, and repairs. In the South Pacific, the American navy negotiated with awestruck natives for the rights to build bases on the islands of Midway and Samoa. The Hawaiian Islands, which lie closest to the American mainland, had long been an important stop for the Pacific fleet. Pearl Harbor, on the island of Oahu, offered one of the most attractive natural bases in the Pacific. In the early 1800s, missionaries from New England made the arduous voyage to Hawaii and settled there. They sent back news of fantastic economic possibilities in the islands. Soon other Americans followed to become sugar planters and to establish profitable businesses. Detail from Kings Palace, Toward Waikiki, Oahu, in 1826 To the native Hawaiians, or Kanaka, their island was a paradise. The sea, the abundant fruit trees, and the rich, fertile soil provided the Kanaka with all their necessities. Because of the perfect year-round climate, their simple shelters were adequate and comfortable. To the Americans, however, the Kanaka behaved like foolish children, as one early visitor described: The ease with which the Hawaiians on their own land can secure their food supply has undoubtably interfered with their social and industrial advancement. It relieves the native from any struggle and unfits him for sustained competition with men from other lands. The fact that food is supplied by nature takes from the native all desire for the acquisition of more land. Todays food can be had for the picking, and tomorrows as well. Instead of grasping all he can get, he divides with his neighbor, and confidently expects his neighbor to divide with him. While the Kanaka were content to live in their traditional, idyllic ways, Americans were busy building huge plantations, warehouses, railroads, drydocks, banks, hotels, and stores. They soon dominated the islands economy, and they were able to influence its government as well. Americans created and controlled Hawaiis legislature and cabinet, and they limited the power of the native king. As the nineteenth century drew to a close, disputes arose between the Kanaka and those of foreign descent. Hawaii for Hawaiians became the slogan of people who sought to restore the traditional ways of the kingdom. Others called for the annexation of Hawaii by the United States. Annexation would eliminate the recent trade restrictions on sugar and revive the islands faltering economy. Secret organizations, such as the Annexation Club, plotted revolution. Biography of Queen Liliuokalani Background information about the Hawaiian monarchy In the midst of this unrest, Queen Liliuokalani assumed the throne upon the death of her brother, King Kalakaua. At age fifty-two, Liliuokalani had already governed the islands as regent during her brothers long absences. She was well qualified to take control of the government. An American newspaper reporter who interviewed the new queen described her as strong and resolute. Her manner was dignified, and she had the ease and authoritative air of one accustomed to rule. Educated in American schools, Liliuokalanis voice was musical and well modulated, and she spoke remarkably pure and graceful English. Islanders who favored annexation hoped that the new queen would support their interests. Sanford Ballard Dole Liliuokalani, however, was determined to eliminate American influence in the government. She tried to create a new constitution that would strengthen the traditional monarchy, but her cabinet refused to cooperate. The American residents were outraged. They organized the Committee of Safety and appointed members of the Annexation Club as its leaders. On the morning of January 17, 1893, armed members of the committee attacked. They took over the government office building. From its steps they read a proclamation abolishing the monarchy and establishing a provisional government. The provisional government would exist until terms of union with the United States of America have been negotiated and agreed upon. Sanford B. Dole, an elderly judge with a flowing, white beard, became its president. Text of the Constitution of 1887, which gave Queen Liliuokalani the right to rule Hawaii (See especially Articles 21 and 22.) Hawaiians who were loyal to their queen tried to come to her defense and stop the revolution. When they arrived in Honolulu, however, American troops confronted them. The United States minister, John L. Stevens, had sent for a battalion of marines and an artillery company from the cruiser Boston. They were ordered to protect the provisional government. For the Hawaiians, resistance was hopeless. Queen Liliuokalani sadly surrendered her throne. She wrote a document in which she yielded to the superior forces of the United States. She pleaded with the U. S. government to undo the actions of its representatives and reinstate me in the authority I claim as the Constitutional Sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands. Meanwhile, the Provisional Government sent five representatives to Washington to apply for annexation. They quickly drew up a treaty, and President Harrison signed it and submitted it to Congress. Text of a speech by President Cleveland in which he expresses his desire to aid in the restoration of the status existing before the lawless landing of the United States forces at Honolulu on the 16th of January 1892 Before the Senate could approve the treaty, however, a new president took office. This president, Grover Cleveland, had reservations about taking over an independent country. He withdrew the treaty and sent a special commissioner to Hawaii to investigate the revolution. The commissioner reported that Minister Stevens had conspired with a small group of revolutionaries to overthrow the government. Cleveland replaced Stevens with a new minister and tried to restore Liliuokalani to the throne. President Dole flatly refused to give the government back to the Hawaiians. He told President Cleveland that the United States had no right to meddle in Hawaiis internal affairs. Congress agreed, and it adopted a hands off policy toward the island. Doles new government then created an army and held a constitutional convention. On July 4th, 1894, the government unveiled the completed constitution and declared an independent Republic of Hawaii. Despite Liliuokalanis pleas for help, other governments quickly recognized the new republic. In desperation, supporters of the queen began to collect weapons and to make secret plans to overthrow the republic and restore the monarchy. They planned to strike on the morning of January 7, 1895, but informers told the government about their plot. At dawn, as the queens supporters slipped silently ashore on Waikiki, government soldiers opened fire. A few of the rebels fell dead or wounded others surrendered. The government declared martial law. During the next few days, government troops defeated the disorganized rebels in a series of brief but deadly skirmishes. Within two weeks, they completely suppressed the uprising and captured its followers, including Queen Liliuokalani. The prisoners were tried for treason. Liliuokalani was forced to sign a document in which she finally renounced all claims to the throne. Excerpts from the 1993 Apology Resolution signed by President Clinton to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the overthrow of Kingdom of Hawaii Now secure in its power, the republican government turned its attention to international relations and trade. In 1896, however, the election of a Republican, William McKinley, as president of the United States, rekindled Hawaiian hopes for annexation. President McKinley, like many Republicans, favored expansionism, and he welcomed the new annexation treaty. A joint resolution of Congress annexing Hawaii passed both houses, and the islands became American possessions. While Congress was considering the annexation treaty, an American fleet was steaming across the Pacific to attack the Philippine Islands. The United States had gone to war. The Spanish-American War Remember the Maine January 25, 1898mdashThe U. S.S. Maine enters Havana harbor, about three weeks before it was blown up. Cuba in 1898 Provides background information about the Cuban insurgency against foreign control both before and just after the Maine incident Map of Cuba (This is an interactive mapmdashfor example, click on Havana for a more detailed view of the city.) The battleship Maine drifted lazily at its mooring. Although the Havana night was moonless, the Maines gleaming white hullmdashlonger than a football fieldmdashcontrasted against the blackness of the sea and sky. Smoke wisped from its two mustard-colored funnels. Random lights sparkled from its portholes and its bridge. Captain Sigsbee in the captains cabin aboard the Maine In the captains cabin, Charles Sigsbee sat at a table writing a letter to his wife. The trouble in Cuba, he wrote, would soon be over. The new Spanish governor of the island seemed to have the situation under control. During the three weeks that the Maine had been in Havana, Captain Sigsbee had seen no sign of Cuban rebels. Hed entertained the Spanish officers in his mess, and he and his staff had been entertained lavishly by the local officials. Although Sigsbee found the bullfights to which hed been invited somewhat barbaric, the Spanish officers behaved as perfect gentlemen. General Fitzhugh Lee Even Fitzhugh Lee, the American consul, seemed optimistic. A month earlier the old general (Lee had commanded a cavalry division under his uncle Robert E. in the Civil War) had summoned a battleship to protect American interests. Although the Maine was only a second-class battleship, it was the largest ship ever to enter Havana harbor. To the Cubans, it was a floating American fortress right in their capital city. Capt. Charles D. Sigsbee, 1898 Aboard the Maine, taps sounded at ten minutes past nine. Captain Sigsbee describes what happened next. I laid down my pen and listened to the notes of the bugle, which were singularly beautiful in the oppressive stillness of the night. I was enclosing my letter in its envelope when the explosion came. It was a bursting, rending, and crashing roar of immense volume, largely metallic in character. It was followed by heavy, ominous metallic sounds. There was a trembling and lurching motion of the vessel, a list to port. The electric lights went out. Then there was intense blackness and smoke. The situation could not be mistaken. The Maine was blown up and sinking. For a moment the instinct of self-preservation took charge of me, but this was immediately dominated by the habit of command. Captain Sigsbee managed to reach the deck, now slanted down sharply toward the submerged bow. He climbed aft toward the only part of the ship that was not awash. Fires had broken out all over the vessel, and they lit the harbor in an eerie red glow. In Havana lights began to shine from windows that had just been smashed by the blast. Most of the crew had been asleep in their berths at the forward part of the ship, which was already at the bottom of the harbor. The stern sunk more slowly. The Spanish-American War Centennials photo of the Maine, photos of pieces of the Maine, reputed photo of explosion, accounts of the destruction, New York Times report, crew roster and much more. More photos of the wreckage and salvage effort Crews from nearby ships manned lifeboats to rescue the surviving crewmen of the Maine. Chief among them, Sigsbee wrote, were the boats from the Alfonso XII. The Spanish officers and crews did all that humanity and gallantry could compass. Reluctantly, Captain Sigsbee abandoned the Maine, which continued to burn and explode throughout the night. The twisted, burnt wreckage of the Maines stern and bridge was still above water in the morning. It remained there for years. Two hundred fifty-four seamen were dead, and fifty-nine sailors were wounded. Eight of the wounded later died. The navy conducted an investigation into the cause of the disaster, but it never discovered who was responsible for the explosion. Yellow Journalism The American press, however, had no doubts about who was responsible for sinking the Maine. It was the cowardly Spanish, they cried. William Randolph Hearsts New York Journal even published pictures. They showed how Spanish saboteurs had fastened an underwater mine to the Maine and had detonated it from shore. Delivering the World The film shows a one-horse paneled newspaper van arriving to deliver the New York World to a crowd of newspaper carriers. The location is presumed to be Union Square in New York. As one of the few sources of public information, newspapers had reached unprecedented influence and importance. Journalistic giants, such as Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer of the World, viciously competed for the readers attention. They were determined to reach a daily circulation of a million people, and they didnt mind fabricating stories in order to reach their goal. They competed in other ways as well. The World was the first newspaper to introduce colored comics, and the Journal immediately copied it. The two papers often printed the same comics under different titles. One of these involved the adventures of The Yellow Kid, a little boy who always wore a yellow gown. Since color presses were new in the 1890s, the finished product was not always perfect. The colors, especially the Yellow Kids costume, often smeared. Soon people were calling the World, the Journal, and other papers like them the yellow press. They colored the funnies, some said, but they colored the news as well. A minor revolt in Cuba against the Spanish colonial government provided a colorful topic. For months now the papers had been painting in lurid detail the horrors of Cuban life under oppressive Spanish rule. The Spanish had confined many Cubans to concentration camps. The press called them death camps. Wild stories with screaming headlinesmdashSpanish Cannibalism, Inhuman Torture, Amazon Warriors Fight For Rebelsmdashflooded the newsstands. Newspapers sent hundreds of reporters, artists, and photographers south to recount Spanish atrocities. The correspondents, including such notables as author Stephen Crane and artist Frederick Remington, found little to report on when they arrived. Puck magazine published this cartoon depicting Cubas difficult situation in the 1890s. There is no war, Remington wrote to his boss. Request to be recalled. Remingtons boss, William Randolph Hearst, sent a cable in reply: Please remain. You furnish the pictures, Ill furnish the war. Hearst was true to his word. For weeks after the Maine disaster, the Journal devoted more than eight pages a day to the story. Not to be outdone, other papers followed Hearsts lead. Hundreds of editorials demanded that the Maine and American honor be avenged. Many Americans agreed. Soon a rallying cry could be heard everywheremdashin the papers, on the streets, and in the halls of Congress: Remember the Maine To hell with Spain. A Splendid Little War The wreck of the U. S.S. Maine Chronology of the war (from the NYPLs Online Exhibition of the Spanish-American War) In the wake of the Maine incident, Congress hurriedly appropriated 50 million to prepare the nation for war. Big navy supporters, including the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt, appropriated the lions share of the money. Next, President McKinley insisted that Spain agree to a cease-fire with the Cuban rebels and negotiate a permanent settlement with them. After a slight delay, Spain agreed to the American demands. Two days later, McKinley asked Congress for authority to use military force to end the Cuban conflict. Essentially, this was a declaration of war. The United States Army was not prepared for war. After the Civil War, the country had drastically reduced its army. Most army units had been scattered throughout the west, where they had fought and confined Native Americans. Volunteer and National Guard units quickly assembled in Tennessee. Regular-army divisions, filled with new recruits, rushed to Florida to await the invasion of Cuba. Back to the Pacific The navy, however, needed little preparation. The Pacific fleet was visiting Hong Kong when the news of war arrived. Commodore George Dewey quickly provisioned his ships and set off to attack the Spanish colony in the Philippine Islands. World map showing location of the Philippine Islands Chronology of Events Leading to the Philippine-American War Photo of the U. S.S. Olympia Photos of the U. S.S. Boston Once at sea, Commodore Dewey had his men paint all the ships. Once a bright white, the ships were soon covered with a dull gray to make them less visible to the enemy. Next, Dewey ordered that everything made of wood, including the piano on his flagship Olympia, be tossed over the side. Splintered wood presented a greater danger to his crews than enemy shells. Then with chests, chairs, and tables bobbing in the water behind them, the ships went after the Spanish fleet. Commodore George Dewey is depicted here commanding the battle of Manila Bay. He does so from his flagship Olympia. After searching throughout an oppressive tropical night, Dewey found the Spaniards in the shallows of Manila Bay. At dawn on the first of May, the Olympia led the fleet in single file toward its enemy. The Spanish opened fire long before the Americans were within range. The Olympia moved still closer. When it reached effective range, it turned sharply to the west, bringing all its guns to bear upon the Spanish fleet. You may fire when ready, Gridley, Dewey told his executive officer. With a deafening roar, the huge cruisers guns erupted. The flagship swung around in a wide circle, and each ship followed, guns blasting as it passed. We made five trips past the fleet, a gunner on the Boston wrote. Just two hours after the beginning of the battle we hauled out and, withdrawing a few miles, the order was given for breakfast. I was exhausted from the heat, loss of sleep, and lack of proper food. I went up on deck. Below the thermometer was at 116, and the fresh air was a great relief. From this vantage point, I could see the destruction we had wrought. The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures. This presentation features 68 motion pictures produced between 1898 and 1901 of the Spanish - American War and the subsequent Philippine Revolution. When the thick, black smoke that had obscured the battle cleared, he saw the Spanish fleet, battered and afire. The battle had been won. Eight seamen suffered wounds aboard the Boston (the same ship that had helped liberate Hawaii). One man died from the heat before the battle began. They represented the total casualties for the fleet. When the news of the stunning victory reached home, Americans cheered ecstatically. Dewey, the conqueror of the Philippines, became an instant national hero. Stores soon filled with merchandise bearing his image. Few Americans knew what and where the Philippines were, but the press assured them that the islands were a welcome possession. Rough Riders Despite Deweys early victory, the war in the Caribbean was getting off to a slow start. More than 250,000 soldiers rushed enthusiastically into the service. The armys quartermaster corps, however, had only fifty-seven men to supply the army with equipment. Soldiers gathered in Florida and waited impatiently for supplies and transportation. Some individuals organized and outfitted their own regiments. One such individual, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, resigned his post and formed a volunteer regiment of cavalry. Teddy Roosevelt did not intend to miss his chance at glory. Roosevelt had been born forty years earlier to a wealthy New York family. He described himself as a sickly, delicate boy who suffered much from asthma, and frequently had to be taken away on trips to find a place where he could breathe. Determined to overcome his physical limitations, Roosevelt embarked on a grueling program of body building. He practiced boxing, hunting, and riding, and after college he spent three years as a working cowboy in the wild Badlands of Dakota. It was still the Wild West in those days, he wrote. The West of the Indian and the buffalo hunter, the soldier and the cow-puncher. There he led a free and hardy life with horse and rifle. Roosevelts political career began in the New York legislature. Next, after running unsuccessfully for mayor of New York, he served as that citys police commissioner. A loyal Republican, he campaigned tirelessly for McKinley in the 1896 election, and the president rewarded him with an appointment to the Department of the Navy. TR and his Rocky Mountain Riders, or Rough Riders Now, seeking again the hardy life with horse and rifle, Roosevelt waited in Tampa with his men. His regiment, which called itself the Rocky Mountain Riders, consisted mostly of cowboys from the West, although it contained a few Indians and wealthy polo players from the East as well. The papers called the regiment Teddys Terrors, but its commander was Leonard Wood, a physician who was also a colonel in the regular army. Roosevelt served as lieutenant colonel. Tampa was a scene of the wildest confusion, Teddy remembered. There was no semblance of order. Thousands of men, horses, mules, and supply wagons were scattered about haphazardly in the tropical heat. Somehow the expedition reached Cuba. Still, different parts of different outfits were jumbled together. For instance, one transport had guns, and another had the locks for the guns. Soldiers went here, provisions went there, and who got ashore depended upon individual activity. Roosevelt, always active, got his regiment ashore quickly. We disembarked with our rifles, our ammunition belts, and not much else, he remembered. I carried some food in my pocket, and a light coat which was my sole camp equipment for the next three days. Cuban Soldiers Read more about the role of Cuban soldiers, who had nearly won their islands independence from Spain by the time Teddy Roosevelt arrived With the July temperature climbing above 100, the soldiers plodded off through the thick jungle toward the city of Santiago. Wearing uniforms made of wool, the men struggled against the heat. Those who managed to obtain rations often discovered that their food had spoiled. Soon the ranks were riddled with malaria, fever, and dysentery. (Before the war ended, 5,200 Americans would perish from disease.) General Shafter, the armys commander, realized that if he didnt capture Santiago soon, he might not have an army left. After a few brief skirmishes, the armies confronted each other. The Spanish defended the San Juan hills, a long ridge east of Santiago. The Americans, arrayed in the valley below, sent up an observation balloon to study the citys defenses. Print depicting an African American soldier during the march toward San Juan Hill Roosevelt, who had managed to obtain a horse, rode up and down the lines anxiously. I had come to the conclusion, he said, that it was silly to stay in the valley firing up at the hills. The thing to do was to try to rush the entrenchments. Never a man to stand on ceremony, Teddy took it upon himself to order the charge. With a pistol in one hand an a saber in the other, Teddy spurred his mount forward. His face grew flushed his glasses clouded with steam a wide grin covered his face. The rough riders followed on foot, and the Ninth Cavalry, an African American regiment, rushed forth beside them. As he reached the crest of Kettle Hill, Teddy saw its defenders fleeing before him. He fired at one of them, and later remarked that the man fell as neatly as a jackrabbit. Atop Kettle Hill, the soldiers dined on captured Spanish provisions. Later Teddy left his men and rode to the top of San Juan Hill, but the Tenth Cavalry, another African American regiment, had already stormed and captured it. That night the Americans repelled a Spanish counterattack. In the morning, General Shafter demanded that the Spanish commander surrender. Captain-General Ramon Blanco Photos of Spanish wrecks after the battle A Big Turkey Shoot Ramon Blanco y Erenas, governor general of Cuba, received Shafters demand. He responded by ordering his fleet to attack the American ships blockading Santiago harbor. If the Spanish could destroy the Americans supply line, he thought, they could force the enemy to withdraw. His fleet commander, Admiral Cervera, disagreed. Attacking a force four times the size of his own seemed like suicide. Nevertheless, Cervera obeyed his orders, and in the hazy dawn the Spanish, led by the magnificent Maria Teresa, bravely steamed into battle. The Americans were ready. Four first-class battleships (any one of them might have been a match for the whole Spanish fleet), two cruisers, and several smaller ships enclosed the mouth of the harbor in a half-circle. Tugboats filled with reporters scurried in their wake. The Oregon fired the first shot of the battle, and soon black smoke blurred the bay. Painting of the Battle of Santiago de Cuba It was a big turkey shoot, Seaman Cross of the Oregon said. The Fleet came out and went to Davy Jones locker. By one oclock the battle was over. The Spanish fleet was destroyed, and with it sank all hope of victory in Cuba. General Nelson Miles, the old Indian fighter, led a force to Puerto Rico. He conquered the island and its few Spanish defenders easily. In effect, the war was over. Spain agreed to an armistice. In the four months of fighting, Americans had lost a total of 460 soldiers in battle. Compared to the Civil War, in which tens of thousands were often killed in a single day, these casualties seemed insignificant. Its been a splendid little war, the ambassador to England wrote to his friend, Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt returned, the hero of the war. Because of his heroism on Kettle Hill, hed been nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor. His popularity swept him to the governorship of New York. Like Dewey before him, Roosevelt memorabilia filled shop windows. One of the more popular items was a cuddly stuffed animal wearing a bandana and glasses. People called it the Teddy Bear. A Gift from the Gods American troops on the ramparts at Manila, c. 1898-1901 Excerpts from an anti-imperialist essay by Andrew Carnegie A list of links to additional anti-imperialist essays, speeches, and pamphlets In the months following the Spanish-American War, the winds of expansionism blew strongly across the United States. There was a lot of talk about Manifest Destiny, and many people suggested that America should assume its role as a world power. In Congress, legislators called for the annexation of all Spanish territories. Some newspapers even suggested the annexation of Spain itself. Expansionists such as Roosevelt, former President Harrison, and Captain Mahan argued for creating an American empire. Others, including Grover Cleveland, Andrew Carnegie, and Mark Twain, opposed these ideas. In October, representatives from Spain and the United States sat down in Paris to work out a treaty. President McKinley appointed a peace commission to represent the United States. A majority of the commissions members believed in expansionism. No representatives from the colonies whose fates were being decided attended the Paris conference. The Spanish delegates assumed that the United States would annex Cuba. They suggested that the United States also take over Cubas 400 million debt. The Americans declined. After all, the war had been fought in support of Cuban independence. However, they were glad to accept Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. The American army already controlled the city of Manila, but it had not ventured into any other areas of the Philippine Islands. After signing the treaty, President McKinley ordered the War Department to bring all the islands under military control. The people of the Philippines, he decided, were too uncivilized to govern themselves. The Filipinos were shocked. For two years theyd been fighting for their independence from Spain. Since the United States had supported rebels in Cuba and Hawaii, they expected support for their independence as well. Filipino-American history timeline Commodore Dewey wrote to his superiors and pointed out that the Filipinos seemed better prepared for self-government than the Cubans did. The War Department responded by sending more men and equipment to Manila. Emilio Aguinaldo, the wiry leader of the Filipino independence movement, felt betrayed. Aguinaldo admired the United States. He liked to be called the George Washington of the Philippines. He had helped the Americans fight the Spanish. Now the Americans and the Spanish residents of the islands were fighting him. Aguinaldo led his bitter troops into the jungles, and for three years they fought a brutal war against the military government. In the end the overwhelming power of the American forces defeated them. The Americans confined many Filipinos in concentration camps like the ones the Spanish had used in Cuba. William Howard Taft was appointed head of the Philippine Commission, charged with replacing the military government with a civilian legislature. Despite the plan to prepare the Philippines for independence, however, Americans continued to rule the islands until after World War II. The war in the Philippines claimed four times as many American lives as the war with Spain did. Few Americans, however, rejoiced at the victory. There were no heroes. No parades greeted the returning troops. For many, this war seemed to contradict some basic American values. I have been criticized a good deal about the Philippines, McKinley said, but I dont deserve it. Die Wahrheit ist. they came to us as a gift from the gods. Cartoon: Civilization Begins at Home (1898) Congratulations, Andrew Carnegie wrote to a leading expansionist. You seem to have about finished your work of civilizing the Filipinos. It is thought that about eight thousand of them have been completely civilized and sent to heaven. I hope you like it. The Boxer Rebellion Spheres of Influence Canton, China: seawall and harbor crowded with sampans, c. 1895 Background of Ching (Qing) Dynasty Throughout the nineteenth century, Chinas emperors had watched as foreigners encroached further and further upon their land. Time and again, foreigners forced China to make humiliating concessions. Foreign regiments, armed with modern weapons, consistently defeated entire imperial armies. Now, as a new century was about to begin, Tsu Hsi, empress dowager of the Ching Dynasty, searched for a way to rid her empire of foreign parasites. Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and Russia all claimed exclusive trading rights to certain parts of China. They were dividing China into spheres of influence. Some even claimed to own the territory within their spheres. By acquiring the Philippines, the United States became an Asian power too. Now, with a strong base of operations just 400 miles from China, American businesses hoped to take advantage of Chinas vast resources. The foreign spheres of influence, however, threatened their ambitions. So while the empress was hoping to close China to foreigners, Americans were looking for a way in. John Hay, now Secretary of State, had an idea. Since public opinion, strained by the Philippines war, would never support the use of force, he decided to negotiate. He sent letters to all the foreign powers and suggested an Open Door policy in China. This policy would guarantee equal trading rights for all and prevent one nation from discriminating against another within its sphere. The nations replied that they liked the concept of the Open Door, but that they could not support or enforce it. Hays plan had been politely rejected. Nevertheless Hay announced that since all of the powers had accepted the Open Door in principle, the United States considered their agreement final and definitive. Fists of Righteous Harmony While the outside powers bickered over who would control China, Tsu Hsi issued an imperial message to all the Chinese provinces. Empress Dowager Tsu Hsi The present situation is becoming daily more difficult. The various Powers cast upon us looks of tiger-like voracity, hustling each other to be first to seize our innermost territories. Should the strong enemies become aggressive and press us to consent to things we can never accept, we have no alternative but to rely upon the justice of our cause. If our. hundreds of millions of inhabitants. would prove their loyalty to their emperor and love of their country, what is there to fear from any invader Let us not think about making peace. In northern Shandong province, a devastating drought was pushing people to the edge of starvation. Few people there were thinking about making peace. A secret society, known as the Fists of Righteous Harmony, attracted thousands of followers. Foreigners called members of this society Boxers because they practiced martial arts. The Boxers also believed that they had a magical power, and that foreign bullets could not harm them. Millions of spirit soldiers, they said, would soon rise from the dead and join their cause. A Boxer in 1900 Their cause, at first, was to overthrow the imperial Ching government and expel all foreign devils from China. The crafty empress, however, saw a way to use the Boxers. Through her ministers, she began to encourage the Boxers. Soon a new sloganmdashSupport the Ching destroy the foreignermdashappeared upon the Boxers banner. In the early months of 1900, thousands of Boxers roamed the countryside. They attacked Christian missions, slaughtering foreign missionaries and Chinese converts. Then they moved toward the cities, attracting more and more followers as they came. Nervous foreign ministers insisted that the Chinese government stop the Boxers. From inside the Forbidden City, the empress told the diplomats that her troops would soon crush the rebellion. Meanwhile, she did nothing as the Boxers entered the capital. Foreign diplomats, their families, and staff lived in a compound just outside the Forbidden Citys walls in the heart of Beijing. Working together, they threw up hasty defenses, and with a small force of military personnel, they faced the Boxer onslaught. One American described the scene as 20,000 Boxers advanced in a solid mass and carried standards of red and white cloth. Their yells were deafening, while the roar of gongs, drums and horns sounded like thunder. They waved their swords and stamped on the ground with their feet. They wore red turbans, sashes, and garters over blue cloth. When they were only twenty yards from our gate. three volleys from the rifles of our sailors left more than fifty dead upon the ground. Artillery of International Relief Force to Beijing, 1900 Concise Political History of China, including more about the Empress Dowager and the Boxer Rebellion (Scroll about halfway down the page to get to the section about Tsu Hsi.) The Boxers fell back but soon returned. Surrounded, the foreigners could neither escape nor send for help. For almost two months, they withstood fierce attacks and bombardment. Things began to look hopeless. Seventy-six defenders lay dead, and many more were wounded. Ammunition, food, and medical supplies were almost gone. Then, shortly before dawn, loud explosions rocked the city. Weary defenders staggered to the barricades, expecting a final, overpowering Boxer attack. But as a column of armed men approached them, they began to cheer. Help had arrived at last. After a month of no news from their diplomats, the foreign powers had grown worried. They assembled an international relief force of soldiers and sailors from eight countries. The United States, eager to rescue its ministers and to assert its presence in China, sent a contingent of 2,500 sailors and marines. After rescuing another besieged delegation in Tientsin, the international force marched to Beijing, fighting Boxers and imperial soldiers along the way. The international troops looted the capital and even ransacked the Forbidden City. Disguised as a peasant, the empress dowager escaped the city in a cart. She returned to the Forbidden City a year later, but the power of the Ching dynasty was destroyed forever. Because it had participated in the campaign, the United States participated in the settlement that followed. Hay called for an expanded Open Door, not only within the spheres of influence, but in all parts of China. He also recommended that the powers preserve Chinas territory and its government. Other powers agreed, and the Open Door policy allowed foreign access to Chinas market until World War II closed it once again. The Panama Canal President Roosevelt Panama Canal: Culebra Cut, c. 1910-1920 see President McKinley speaking at the Pan-American Exposition The popular acclaim that carried Teddy Roosevelt to the governorship of New York didnt stop there. In 1900, Republicans nominated Teddy as President McKinleys running mate. McKinley won a second term, and Teddy was sworn in as vice-president. Six months later, an assassins bullet killed McKinley. At age 42, Theodore Roosevelt became the nations youngest president. Maps of Panama: Access to information and maps about Panama Roosevelt assumed the office with the same vigor with which he charged up Kettle Hill. A long believer in Captain Mahans theory of sea power, Roosevelt began to revitalize the navy. Now that Americas empire stretched from the Caribbean across the Pacific, the old idea of a canal between the two oceans took on new urgency. Mahan had predicted that the canal will become a strategic center of the most vital importance, and Teddy agreed. The canal, Roosevelt said, was by far the most important action I took in foreign affairs during the time I was President. When nobody could or would exercise efficient authority, I exercised it. Joining the Waters Abandoned French machinery in Panama, c. 1910-1914 In 1878 Ferdinand de Lesseps, the French engineer who built the Suez Canal, began to dig a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, which was then part of Colombia. Tropical disease and engineering problems halted construction on the canal, but a French business (the New Panama Canal Company) still held the rights to the project. Roosevelt agreed to pay 40 million for the rights, and he began to negotiate with Colombia for control of the land. He offered 10 million for a fifty-mile strip across the isthmus. Colombia refused. We were dealing with a government of irresponsible bandits, Roosevelt stormed. I was prepared to. at once occupy the Isthmus anyhow, and proceed to dig the canal. But I deemed it likely that there would be a revolution in Panama soon. Teddy was right. The chief engineer of the New Panama Canal Company organized a local revolt. Roosevelt immediately sent the battleship Nashville and a detachment of marines to Panama to support the new government. The rebels gladly accepted Roosevelts 10 million offer, and they gave the United States complete control of a ten-mile wide canal zone. Biographical info about Osmund Osmundsen, a Norwegian immigrant who worked as a ship rigger during the building of the canal. Includes historical photos Roosevelt ordered army engineers to start digging. Thousands of workers sweated in the malarial heat. They tore up jungles and cut down mountains. Insects thrived in muddy, stagnant pools. Mosquitoes get so thick you get a mouthful with every breath, a worker complained. The mosquitoes also carried yellow fever, and many fell victim to the deadly disease before Dr. William Gorgas found a way to stop it. Steam shovels digging the Panama Canal Some Americans did not approve of Roosevelts behavior. There was much accusation about my having acted in an unconstitutional manner, Teddy shrugged. I took the isthmus, started the canal, and then left Congressmdashnot to debate the canal, but to debate me. While the debate goes on, the canal does too and they are welcome to debate me as long as they wish, provided that we can go on with the canal. Smithsonian Institutions Make the Dirt Fly Panama Canal exhibition TR Papers at the Library of Congress Work did go on. Despite lethal landslides, workers with dynamite and clumsy steam shovels cut their way across a continent. They built a railroad, three sets of concrete locks, and a huge artificial lake. Nine years later the freighter Ancon entered the new channel. Hundreds of construction workers hopped aboard for the historic ride. A shiny towing locomotive pulled the Ancon into the first lock. Bands played and crowds cheered as the ship slipped into the Pacific. Roosevelt liked to repeat an old African saying: Speak softly, and carry a big stick. You will go far. In Panama, Teddy proved to the world that he was willing to use his big navy as a stick to further American interests. U. S. Intervention in Latin America Teddys Legacy Main business street, Domingo City, San Domingo, c. 1901. The Dominican Republic was another site of U. S. intervention in the early 1900s. Time line of U. S. intervention in Latin America The Monroe Doctrine: Text (plus some background information) Between the end of the Spanish-American War and the dawn of the Great Depression, the United States sent troops to Latin American countries thirty-two times. It used the Roosevelt Corollary, or addition, to the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention. In the corollary, Teddy Roosevelt proclaimed that the United States, because it was a civilized nation, had the right to stop chronic wrongdoing throughout the Western Hemisphere. Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty friendship, he said. Chronic wrongdoing, however. may force the United States to exercise an international police power. Teddy didnt hesitate to use this police power to strengthen his country, but he was always careful not to upset the balance of world power. William Howard Taft, former governor of the Philippines, followed Roosevelt into the White House. Taft believed in economic expansion, and he introduced a policy called dollar diplomacy. This policy used diplomacy to advance and protect American businesses in other countries. Taft employed Roosevelts corollary in Nicaragua and other Latin American countries to protect American investments. Maps of Nicaragua: Smaller map of Nicaragua with geographical facts Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt More about William Walker, including a picture American businesses had been active in Nicaragua since the 1850s. The lush country attracted American fruit growers and mining companies. Others believed that Nicaragua offered the best site for a canal, and they invested in land. Cornelius Vanderbilt started a company that transported passengers between New York and San Francisco via the Nicaraguan jungle. Shortly after Commodore Perry opened Japan, Vanderbilt plotted to take control of Nicaragua. With Vanderbilts help, a young adventurer named William Walker set out with fifty-seven followers to conquer Nicaragua. A short, freckled man with sharp green eyes, Walker formed an alliance with a group of local rebels and defeated the Nicaraguan forces. He proclaimed himself commander in chief, and soon thousands of Americans rushed into the country. Many Americans wanted the United States to assume direct control of Nicaragua. The government, however, was afraid to upset the fragile balance between free and slave territories. Walker eventually quarreled with Vanderbilt about the transit company, and soon another revolution drove him from power. In 1860 Walker died before a firing squad. American economic involvement in Nicaragua lived on. Foreign Intervention in Nicaragua, 1850-68 (Library of Congress) (Index) General information about Nicaragua: Background Notes: Nicaragua Nicaraguans confidently expected the canal, and they gladly accepted loans and payments based on its eventual construction. By 1909 the United States-Nicaraguan Concession was largest American company in Nicaragua. That year the Concessions chief legal counsel, Philander C. Knox, resigned to become Tafts Secretary of State. When Nicaraguas ruler cancelled an agreement with one American business and threatened the Concession, the company organized another revolution. Adolfo Diaz, a Concession employee, became the new president. Taft quickly recognized the Diaz government. When still another revolt threatened Diaz, Taft invoked the corollary and ordered American marines to suppress the rebellion. Then he and Knox worked out a plan to collect the money that Nicaragua owed to foreign investors. Under the plan, American banks took control of Nicaraguas customs collection. They applied the money they collected directly to the countrys debt. The marines remained in Nicaraguas capital to serve as international police and prevent any further revolts. Except for a short period in 1925, they stayed for 21 years. The End of an Era The two decades that sandwiched the turning of the century enclosed a turning point in American history. Despite George Washingtons advice to the contrary, the years saw American interests scatter across the globe. America had flexed its muscles, and the world had cowered. But the ease with which America gained its new possessions obscured the responsibilities that came with them. Dollar diplomacy would soon drag a reluctant America into the muddy trenches of the Western Front. The Open Door welcomed a series of squabbles that later erupted in a mushroom cloud. But few in that innocent era could foresee such extraordinary events. Most believed that America was simply following its natural order, its destiny. 2013 Small Planet Communications, Inc. TermsConditions 15 Union Street, Lawrence, MA 01840 (978) 794-2201 planetsmplanet

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